In our case the quality of our work directly influences our reward or marks, which is understandable although in a work situation a rough price would be agreed upon before the comensing of the project. If the work in thios situation isn't up to the quality demanded by the agreement, payment could be refused and could result in lawsuits to claim money for the work completed.
A contract for the completion of a project also includes a deadline, and this deadline must be met to receive the payment.
Distribution of the reward or marks for our project could be distributed in many different ways, by time contributed, work completed, substancial material contributed etc by each person but in many ways it could seem unfair to the participants of the group. Assigning equal marks to each person could also be or seem unfair. In a work situation a boss or project manager would have a record of who has done what work and could weigh out the payment appropriately, but in our situation there was no requirement to submit declarations of the work completed by each member, which could resolve unfair marking, so I assume equal marking will be assigned to the group.
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